Your search for 09/2014 returned 5 results.
Congratulations, Brother Nick
Yes, we Raised another one. More info and photos after the link.
Master Mason Degree for Brother Nick Mattos
Tomorrow evening, Brother Nick Mattos will be advancing to the last and highest degree of Ancient Craft Masonry. Please join us as we welcome Brother Mattos as a full brother of the Craft. We'll be testing Brother Mattos for his proficiency as a Fellowcraft before conferring the Master Mason at 7:30 PM. See you tomorrow evening!
Troy Palmer: Kenton’s Newest Entered Apprentice
Kenton's welcoming Fall with its fifth Entered Apprentice Mason for the year. Full deets and photos after the link.
Entered Apprentice Degree Tomorrow Evening
Join us as we welcome another brother into our ranks. Read more for more info.
Astoria Masonic Weekend plus September’s Stated Meeting
Brothers and friends, Summer's on its last legs. As can be expected during this time of the year, lodges are coming back from the traditional summer hiatus, preparing for the month's regular stated meeting, and perhaps, do a degree or two. As a lodge, we didn't take advantage of this tradition, but I believe we made the right choice as we've been productive ...