As is the norm in Oregon Freemasonry, November’s stated meeting holds a special meaning to all lodges within the jurisdiction. It’s a time when lodges elect their respective set of officers for the next Masonic year, and this was most certainly true for Kenton.
In addition to elections, the evening was also made special by the attendance of WB Ray Table and WB Les Kralicek, past masters of the lodge.
Perhaps even more more special was the presentation of a gift by WB Emanuel Rose to the lodge, a compendium of Masonic articles from the Grand Lodge of California’s official Masonic publication. The compendium marks the 300th anniversary of Freemasonry.
“Millennial Apprentices” author Brother Sam Friedman and his father were also in attendance as they arrived a day in advance of Brother Friedman’s scheduled talk at Kenton.
As expected, Kenton’s election of officers went smoothly without any problems. Honored Brother Sami Aldrete, the lodge’s current Senior Warden, was elected to serve as Worshipful Master for 2018. Other elected officers were as follows:
- Senior Warden: Joey Piazza
- Junior Warden: Doug Auld
- Treasurer: Roy Ball
- Secretary: Dale Palileo
- Trustee: WB Andrew Gross
- Trustee: Mike Milford
WM-Elect Sami Aldrete’s appointive line are as follows:
- Senior Deacon: Ian Cawley
- Junior Deacon: Matt Richardson
- Senior Steward: Magic Joe Andres
- Junior Steward: James “Ironblood” Elam
- Marshal: Blake Presswood
- Tyler: Hunter Bronson
- Chaplain: WB Jim Hofbauer
- Historian: Ryan Whittenburg
The following evening, Brother Samuel Friedman gave a lecture on Millennial Freemasonry to a crowd composed of brothers and friends coming as far as Eastern Oregon.
Brother Friedman’s talk was upbeat and very informative, exploring generation-specific topics, particularly in the areas of member engagement and Masonic education.
Stated Meeting: