Your search for 04/2022 returned 5 results.
Matt Thomas: Kenton’s Newest Master Mason
Kenton makes another Master Mason, its second for the year.
Kenton Initiates Lucas Plant
What. A. Night. The brothers of Kenton pull off an unforgettable evening for Brother Lucas Plant. Read more through the link below.
Kenton Holds April Stated Meeting; Hosts Multiple Visiting Lodges
Visitors, special presentations, the presence of lodge past masters and a special Masonic Education on Andrew Jackson were just some of the highlights of the evening. Read more through the link.
The Kenton Horde Visits Beaverton Lodge no. 100
Kenton's traveling crew, also known as the Kenton Horde, made its first visit to a lodge in over two years last Thursday when it made an appearance at Beaverton Lodge no. 100's April stated meeting. The attending brethren were treated to a sumptuous meal before witnessing the gavel fall promptly at 7:00 PM with fellow Kenton member WB Hunter Bronson at the ...
Kenton Raises Kyle Cisco to Master Mason Degree
There's no denying the fact that the recent pandemic has made meetings--and degree conferrals--a challenging affair. More so in a lodge that prides itself in doing high-caliber degree work north of twenty times during the span of a year. Which is why Brother Kyle Cisco's Master Mason Degree comes not just as a celebration of his achievement but also a celebration ...