Kenton Raises Kyle Cisco to Master Mason Degree

MM Degree - Kyle Cisco - Solo Pose

There’s no denying the fact that the recent pandemic has made meetings–and degree conferrals–a challenging affair. More so in a lodge that prides itself in doing high-caliber degree work north of twenty times during the span of a year.

Which is why Brother Kyle Cisco’s Master Mason Degree comes not just as a celebration of his achievement but also a celebration of a return to some semblance of normalcy for the lodge and its members.

In addition to being the lodge’s first Master Mason Degree in over two years (the last being Brother Zack Andrew last January 2020), Brother Cisco’s degree also marks a series of firsts for a few brothers.

His degree was Worshipful Brother James Elam’s first conferral since he took over the reins of the lodge this year and his first Master Mason degree conferral as well.

Honored Brothers Zack Andrew and Manase Salema also saw their debut as Senior Steward and Senior Deacon, respectively. Honored Brother Valan Primus’ near-flawless rendition of the Senior Deacon role in the second section was also worthy of note.

Honored Brothers Aaron Clark and Josh Wiedeman also new assumed roles in the second section to success.

Brother Kyle Cisco’s Degree is most definitely not going to be the last one that the lodge will confer this year. Already in the schedule is Mr. Lucas Plant’s Entered Apprentice Degree on the third Thursday of April and a host of Master Mason Degrees starting with Brother Fellowcraft Matt Thomas’ on the last Thursday of April.


MM Degree - Kyle Cisco - Solo Pose

MM Degree - Kyle Cisco - Official Pose

MM Degree - Kyle Cisco - Kenton Pose

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