August Stated Meeting

Posted on August 13, 2014

Brethren and friends,

Our monthly stated meeting is upon us again, and I couldn’t feel any more excited for tomorrow than in all our other stated meetings in the past. For starters, we’ll be having quite a few guests for dinner. While some of them are brothers from other lodges, quite a few of them are also attending to either begin their Masonic journey or to see what Freemasonry is all about.

And speaking of gentlemen wishing to begin their Masonic journey, we’ll be reading at least three petitions tomorrow evening. If all goes to plan, these petitions will give the lodge a total of seven petitions read this year so far.

We’ll also be hearing Brother Nick Mattos’ proficiency in the Entered Apprentice Degree. I have it on good authority that he’s ready, and I’m personally looking forward to hearing him tomorrow evening.

We will also be discussing the upcoming trip to Astoria for the Astoria Masonic Weekend in September. Quite a number of our brothers have expressed interest in attending, but there’s a bit of a snag as far as our accommodations are concerned. We’ll be confirming plans and making sure we have enough people to fill in the seats for the Master Mason Degree for that weekend.

I expect the meeting to be brisk and short, with the usual libations and fellowship following afterwards.

See you tomorrow evening!


Sincerely and Fraternally,

WB Dale Palileo, PM
Worshipful Master for 2014

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