An Evening of Firsts: The Deryk Moore Fellowcraft Degree

Posted on May 20, 2016

As expected, Brother Deryk Moore was passed to the degree of Fellowcraft last Thursday, May 19th. Though not as special as Brother Moore receiving the Fellowcraft Degree, the evening was also marked by several brothers performing several parts of the degree for the first time:

  • Honored Brother Junior Warden Sami Aldrete sitting as Worshipful Master for the conferral
  • WB Roger Spaulding graciously sitting in as Senior Warden during the conferral and closing ceremonies
  • Brother Doug Auld attending the Senior Steward’s seat
  • Brother AV attending the West Gate as Tyler
  • Brother Shawn Holt briefly stepping in as Secretary for the second section
  • Honored Brother Chaplain Adam Triplett giving the charge

Brother Fellowcraft Shane Hark of Gresham Lodge No. 152 and Brother Matt Richardson of Waukesha Lodge No. 37 F. & A. M. of Wisconsin were also in attendance.

Brother Deryk Moore becomes the second Fellowcraft for this year, with Brother Entered Apprentice Blake Presswood following next week on the 26th.

And true to Kenton tradition, the photos:

Deryk Moore Fellowcraft Degree


Deryk Moore Fellowcraft Degree - Kenton Pose


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