April Stated Meeting News

Posted on April 16, 2016

It’s April, and the lodge welcomed the new quarter with a stated meeting that was light but packed with visitors, friendship and recognition.

The evening started with what our Junior Steward WB Todd Dow called “Taco Thursday,” which was delightfully received by brethren, friends and family in attendance. The dining hall was again full with all seats and tables being used by attending guests and brethren–similar to the experience during the lodge’s March stated meeting.

During lodge, brethren from the following lodges were recognized:

  • Multnomah No. 1
  • Washington No. 46
  • Cornerstone No. 157
  • Friendship No. 160
  • Sunnyside No. 163
  • Esoterika No. 227

Some of the highlights of the meeting were as follows:

  • Brother Entered Apprentice Deryk Moore delivering a good rendition of the Entered Apprentice proficiency, which made him qualified to progress to the Fellowcraft Degree.
  • WB Bob Richardson, current Worshipful Master of Sunnyside Lodge No. 163 returning Kenton’s gavel from last month’s visitation. In response and in token of brotherly love (plus a little light-hearted jest), WB Michael Shebora presented WB Richardson with Kenton’s “royal goat”–a stuffed toy goat–which has affectionately been recognized by some of the brethren as the lodge’s unofficial mascot.
  • The lodge approving financial support to Portland Villages School and DeMolay Conclave.
  • Last and most importantly, Brother Shawn Holt receiving the first-ever Master’s Working Tools Award for his work in raising money for the Portland MS Society and the lodge’s educational fund.

Up next for this month:

The lodge will be conferring the Master Mason Degree on Brothers Doug Auld and A.V. on April 21st and 28th, respectively.

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