Congratulations Brother Ironblood, you’re now a Fellowcraft

Posted on July 22, 2016

While last night’s degree was composed of a skeleton crew, it didn’t stop the lodge from conferring the Fellowcraft Degree upon Brother Ironblood, who gave his proficiency in the Entered Apprentice Degree on the same night as Brother Joe Andres’ initiation. Honored Brother Senior Warden Sami Aldrete not only sat in the Oriental Chair but also delivered the middle chamber lecture with Honored Brother Senior Deacon Joey Piazza rounding out the lecture portion of the degree from the East.

As has been the norm over the past few weeks, the evening was also highlighted by Brother Deryk Moore’s excellent rendition of the Fellowcraft proficiency. Congratulations to him as well.

Surprisingly, two Entered Apprentice brothers — Ian Cawley and Joe Andres — were also present. While they couldn’t be part of the degree, they were very instrumental in making sure the libation part of the evening was a smooth success. Many thanks to both of them for rising to the occasion.

The degree also could not have been made possible without the help of Brother Hunter Bronson of Beaverton Lodge No. 100 serving in several capacities. As always, thanks for your continued support, Brother Bronson!


James Elam Fellowcraft Degree - Official Pose


James Elam Fellowcraft Degree - Kenton Pose

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