Deryk Moore: Kenton’s Third Master Mason for the Year
Posted on August 19, 2016
With the temperature soaring to almost 100 degrees, the brethren of Kenton Lodge No. 145 and their guests carried on with one of Masonry’s time honored traditions: raising a brother to the Sublime Degree of Master Mason. Brother Deryk Moore, who recently passed his proficiency examination in the lecture of the Second Degree, was the candidate for the evening. He follows Brothers Doug Auld and A.V. who were initiated sometime during the first quarter of the year.
The degree was attended by brothers from various lodges and jurisdictions, with District Deputies from both the Washington and Oregon jurisdictions in attendance.
Brother Moore’s raising also marks the lodge’s eighth degree for the summer season, with Brother Blake Presswood’s raising next week being the final degree for summer as the lodge heads back to holding regular monthly stated meetings until the end of the year.
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