Kenton begins “Year One” Campaign; Elects Joey Piazza as WM for 2019
Posted on November 9, 2018
The election of lodge officers is a time-honored tradition and requirement in Freemasonry, and in Oregon, the November stated meeting is when such an event occurs. Members of the lodge attend this special stated meeting to cast their vote and voice their support for the incoming leadership of the lodge for the ensuing year.
This election is usually a very straightforward and smooth affair especially in well managed lodges like Kenton, where succession plans for the incoming leadership are planned months–and even years–in advance.
This was certainly the case last night as the lodge elected honored Brother Senior Warden Joey Piazza to the elevated position of Worshipful Master for 2019. Following him are honored Brothers Ian Cawley and James “Ironblood” Elam, who were elected as Senior and Junior Wardens, respectively.
WB Dale Palileo was again elected as lodge secretary and will maintain his position in the trustee committee as 2-year trustee, while honored Brother Treasurer Roy Ball III was replaced by Brother Michael Lell. Brother Ball will be shifting his lodge responsibilities due to his election as a 4-year trustee and is expected to head that committee in the years ahead.
Brother Hunter Bronson and WB Les Kralicek were also elected as 2-year and 1-year trustees respectively to round out the 7-member committee.
This year’s Hiram Award recipient was also voted on. The recipient will be honored during the lodge’s December stated meeting.
After the elections, WM-Elect Joey Piazza thanked the lodge for their support and promised an exciting year for the members of the lodge. He also announced the lodge’s installation will be on December 15th at Kenton Masonic Temple.
WM-Elect Joey Piazza’s election marks the lodge’s new age of leadership and Masonic experience, currently being touted as “Year One”, with the full backing and support of the lodge’s Past Masters’ Council.
Thomas Pierce
November 9, 2018 (7:51 pm)
Congratulations Brothers Piazza, Cawley and Elam!!! I wish you all the best in 2019.
Dr. Ivan Mancinelli-Franconi
November 9, 2018 (10:34 pm)
Congratulations Brothers! You three would get my vote any time. Good choices and wonderful personalities.
Steve Becker
December 2, 2018 (1:48 am)
Congrats brother. You have my full confidence in your ability to lead Kenton Lodge in 2019!