Kenton Starts Off February’s Degrees by Initiating Mr. Mehrafarin

Posted on February 17, 2017

Last night, Kenton continued its string of Entered Apprentice degrees by initiating Mr. Rostam Mehrafarin as an Entered Apprentice Mason. Brother Mehrafarin, who originally hails from Iran by way of Europe, is a practitioner of ancient Sumerian and Egyptian religions.

The evening was also made special by the return of BEA Jordan Hardy and the visitation of WB Josh Bush from Tigard-Orenomah Lodge No. 207.

BEA Mehrafarin will be followed by Mr. Eric Pease’s initiation next week Thursday, February 23rd.


Entered Apprentice Degree - Rostam Mehrafarin - Official Pose

Entered Apprentice Degree - Rostam Mehrafarin - Kenton Pose

1 Reply to "Kenton Starts Off February's Degrees by Initiating Mr. Mehrafarin"

  • Ivan Mancinelli-Franconi
    February 18, 2017 (1:00 am)

    I would like to congratulate the Kenton Lodge for the initiation of its newest Entered Apprentice, Mr Mehrafarin. Nice to see the brotherhood continue to grow its light through its membership.
    In Brotherhood
    Ivan Mancinelli-Franconi. MM
    Mt.Hood 32 Lodge.

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