Kenton Visits Washington no. 4 for Joseph Easly EA Degree
Posted on December 16, 2022
Last Thursday, the infamous Kenton Horde made a trek across the river to Vancouver to make a visit to Washington Lodge no. 4 as they initiated Mr. Joseph Tseu-Easly as an Entered Apprentice Mason.
The brethren were treated to a dinner consisting of salad, spaghetti, meatballs and garlic bread and the usual Washington Lodge hospitality that the lodge has been known for.
The lodge then proceeded to initiate Mr. Tseu-Easly into the Entered Apprentice Degreey by Brother Tim Hyclak, current Junior Warden of the lodge. In addition to conferring the degree, Brother Hyclack also gave the second part of the lecture. WB Mark Sanders continued the lecture to its conclusion.
The brothers of Kenton were then officially introduced and was presented with the gavel of the lodge per Kenton tradition. Washington Lodge no.4’s gavel marks the 8th gavel that Kenton has successfully received this year as part of its lodge visitation efforts.
Mr. Tseu-Easly’s initiation was something that the brothers at Kenton has been looking forward to for quite some time. Initially, he sought membership at Kenton due to members of his family being past masters of the lodge but was unable to do so due to residency requirements. He was then personally referred to Washington Lodge no. 4 by WB Dale Palileo, who kept in constant contact with Mr. Easly as his petition progressed through Washington’s membership process.
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