Kenton Visits Willamette no. 2; Sees Doug Kirkbride’s FC Proficiency

Posted on May 6, 2022

The month of May is shaping up to be another busy one for Kenton.

Last Wednesday, the infamous Kenton Horde headed by WB James “Ironblood” Elam visited Willamette no. 2 during its stated meeting after being invited by the lodge’s sitting Worshipful Master, WB Mitch Pennell, when he visited the Kenton for its Entered Apprentice Degree conferral for Brother Lucas Plant. The horde were treated to a fine Mexican dinner and was warmly received by the members of Willamette no. 2.

The following day, the brethren of Kenton examined Brother Fellowcraft Doug Kirkbride as to his proficiency in the lecture of the Fellowcraft Degree. Brother Kirkbride’s rendition of the proficiency was nearly letter-perfect, and was perhaps one of the best so far this year.

Following its usual officers and trustees meetings, the brethren then celebrated Cinco de Mayo with tacos courtesy of honored Brother Zack Keirsey, Senior Steward of the lodge.

The lodge now looks forward to its May Stated meeting where RWB Adam Bayer is expected to make his official visit.


Willamette no. 2 Visitation

Visit to Willamette 2 - Official photo

FC Proficiency Examination – Doug Kirkbride

FC Proficiency Examination - Doug Kirkbride - Official Pose

FC Proficiency Examination - Doug Kirkbride - Kenton Pose.jpg

Officers & Trustees Meetings, and Cinco de Mayo Celebration

Photos courtesy of WB Ryan Whittenburg

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