Larry Linstrom: Kenton’s Final EA for the Season
Posted on July 15, 2016
With brethren assuming their “class B” attire due to the warm weather, the lodge made Brother Larry Linstrom a part of the Masonic brotherhood by initiating him as an Entered Apprentice.
Brother Linstrom becomes the fourth Entered Apprentice for this season and marks the final Entered Apprentice Degree until October.
He also witnessed the proficiency examination of Brothers Ryan Whittenburg, Ian Cawley and Joe Andres, all three of whom were just initiated last month.
As with most degrees of the summer, the brethren also witnessed another first as Honored Brother Joey Piazza successfully delivered the second section of the lecture, with RWB Dale Palileo continuing on with the third section.
The degree was attended by the WM and SW of Enterprise Lodge No. 1 (under the MWPHGL of OR, ID and MO), BEA Kent Smith of Friendship Masonic Lodge No. 160, Joe Gary of Mt. Hood Lodge No. 32 (under the MWGL of WA), and Brother Hunter Bronson of Beaverton Lodge No. 100, who also served as Junior Steward for the evening.
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