News from Bethel No. 4

Posted on October 5, 2014

Bethel # 4 meets the 1st and 3rd Monday at 7:00PM and welcomes all Masons to attend.

Our calendar for the month of October is as follows:

October 6: Regular meeting at 7:00 PM (Council meeting at 5:45)

October 20: A special meeting as we are honoring our Masonic Heritage. We invite all Masons to be our guests at a Spaghetti Dinner prior to the meeting at 6:00 pm. The meeting will begin at 7:00 PM. Please RSVP to 503.407.9580 or if you will be able to attend. We really hope you can.

Other events we have planned for the month are participitating in a bazaar on Oct 3 & 4th and a mystery trip planned on Oct 10.

Without our heritage from the Masonic fraternity, Job’s Daughters would not be. Please support us when you can. Remember , these daughters will someday marry and you may get another Mason out of the deal ~


Jobie Love,

Melissa Northway , Honored Queen
Jodie Tibbetts, Guardian
Morgan DeClercque, Assoc. Bethel Guardian

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