Nick Mattos: Fellowcraft
Posted on August 29, 2014
Kenton’s done it again! Last night, Brother Nick Mattos was passed to the Fellowcraft Degree after giving an exceptional Entered Apprentice proficiency during our August Stated Meeting two weeks ago. True to Kenton fashion, below are photos from the degree and the celebration that followed afterwards.
Of course, we couldn’t have done it without the assistance of the following brothers:
- WB Dan Gray, Past Master of Beaverton No. 100 for delivering a solid Middle Chamber lecture
- WB Will Anton, Past Master of Multnomah No. 1 for serving as our Tyler
- WB Dale Vrsalovich, Past Master of Gateway Lodge No. 339 (Under the jurisdiction of the Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons of California) for serving as or Organist
As always, a special thanks go out to the Core of Brothers from Friendship.
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