RWB Tom Binkerd visits Kenton during its May Stated Meeting
Posted on May 12, 2018
The golden candles were out last night in honor of Right Worshipful Brother Tom Binkerd, District Deputy of the Grand Master for District no. 4 of the Grand Lodge of Oregon, who made his official visit to Kenton Lodge.
RWB Binkerd was greeted with a warm welcome during dinner time as he arrived to a packed room composed of brethren, potential petitioners and visitors from Job’s Daughters Bethel no. 4, who were present to sell pastries as part of their fundraising efforts. Visiting brothers from several lodges were also in attendance.
A fantastic sit-down dinner prepared and presented by several brothers was also very well received.
Aside from RWB Binkerd’s visit, the highlights of the evening included the acceptance of three new petitions, the successful balloting of a petition for degrees and Brother Michael Lell’s official acceptance as a member of Kenton. Brother Jason Gould provided a poignant presentation for the evening’s educational portion.
The evening was then capped with libations prepared by several brethren and dessert prepared by Mr. Carl Lucas, one of the lodge’s newest petitioners.
The lodge now looks forward to the remaining events of the month, culminating with this year’s Grand Lodge Annual Communication in Salem on the first week of June.
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