Stated Meeting tonight, plus a quick report on this year’s AnCom

Posted on June 11, 2015

Just a quick and friendly reminder that we’ll be having our regular monthly Stated Meeting this evening, June 11th, 2015. Dinner starts at 6:30 PM; lodge opens promptly at 7:30 PM. We’ll be entertaining new potential candidates and most likely other visiting dignitaries from other lodges within the jurisdiction.

As always, tonight’s dinner promises to be on par with other monthly dinners in terms of quality.

Reports from the 165th Annual Communication of the Grand Lodge of Oregon

As many of you know, this year’s annual communication was held at the Red Lion Hotel in Jantzen Beach. WB Todd Dow was accompanied by Brother Michael Shebora (SW) and Brother Andrew Gross (JW). WB Dale Palileo (Secretary) tagged along for the usual festivities.

All of the proposed legislation passed, but unfortunately none of the resolutions reached the required votes for passage. More information about this year’s legislative results will be available from the Grand Lodge of Oregon’s website sometime soon.

The lodge also won the “Website of the Year” award for this 2015. Brother Andrew Gross claimed the award for the lodge accompanied by WB Dale Palileo.

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