A Near Death Experience: A Talk by WB Robert Herd

Kenton Masonic Lodge No. 145 presents…

A near death experience - a talk by WB Robert Herd

A Near Death Experience

A talk by WB Robert Herd
Saturday, July 23rd, 2016. 7:00 PM
Kenton Masonic Temple, 8130 N. Denver Avenue, PDX

About WB Robert Herd:

Worshipful Brother Robert Herd is a Founding and Charter Member of Enlightenment Lodge 198, a Traditional Observance lodge in Colorado Springs, Colorado. In 2012 he served as Grand Orator for the Grand Lodge of Colorado. He is a Past Master of Tejon Lodge 104 in Colorado Springs, A member of East Denver 160 T.O. lodge, and also an Associate Member of Lodge of Living Stones #4957 in Leeds England founded by W.L. Wilmshurst. WB Herd is a Past District Grand Lodge Lecturer for the greater Colorado Springs area, and served two years as the Membership Committee Chairman for the state of Colorado. He is a member of the York Rite bodies, 32* KCCH in the Southern Colorado Consistory AASR and served as Reunion General for several years. WB Herd is a member of the SRICF Rosicrucian Masonic College in Denver. He recently published his first book The Initiatic Experience: Ancient Pathways that Led to Your Initiation into Freemasonry, available here on Amazon.com. He also publishes Living Stones Masonic Magazine, one of the only independent monthly Masonic Magazines in the U.S. in its 6th year of publication.

For the past 20 years WB Herd has worked for a global Leadership and Management training organization (Center for Creative Leadership) and has endeavored to bring such leadership talents he’s learned and experienced to Freemasonry, its lodges, and individual members by creating a Lodge Leadership Course complete with lessons, lectures, activities, and discussions he facilitates for lodges and Grand lodges around the world. WB Herd has worked, taught and lectured in the UK, Nigeria, Mexico, Belgium, Turkey and many different cities across the United States. He has been on Dateline NBC and Turkish National television promoting and educating the public regarding Freemasonry. He has an exceptionally patient wife and a 16 year old son. He served as Scout Master for his son’s Boy Scout troop for 4 years. Troop 1, the oldest troop in Colorado. He can be reached via email at editor@LivingStonesMagazine.com or through his website: http://www.initiatic.guru/

Event Information

This event is open to all Masons (EA/FC/MM). A $10.00 donation is suggested. You may reserve your seats for the event by making your reservations in advance. To do so, please click on the “select” button below to reserve your spot for this event and donate via PayPal.

Kenton Masonic Temple, 8130 N. Denver Avenue, PDX.


[wp_cart_button name=”A Near Death Experience – A Talk by WB Robert Herd” price=”10.00″]Admission for one: A Near Death Experience – A Talk by WB Robert Herd ($10.00 – for brethren who wish to donate via PayPal)



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Robert Herd at Kenton Lodge