Your search for Fellowcraft Degree returned 24 results.
A Night of Investigation, Courtesy, and Fellowship
The epitome of spending an evening with the Brothers of Kenton.
Kenton Confers the Fellowcraft Degree on BEA Abraham Haskins-Murphy
Another Brother Passed to the Second Degree of Masonry!
Derek Shaw: Kenton’s Newest Fellowcraft
Straight after visiting Beaverton Lodge no. 100 to witness their Fellowcraft Degree last week, the brothers at Kenton decided to perform their own rendition of the Fellowcraft Degree for one of their own, this time for Brother Derek Shaw. The evening started with an Entered Apprentice proficiency examination for both Brother Shaw and Brother David Crymer. Both ...
Doug Kirkbride Passes to Fellowcraft; WB Piazza closes lodge for the last time as WM
The lodge brothers make another Fellowcraft, with honored Brother Ironblood sitting as WM in the first section and honored Brother Richardson serving as senior deacon. More through the link.
Semper Prorsum: Zack Andrew Passes Through Fellowcraft Degree
Kenton concludes its Fellowcraft Degree month with Zack Andrew's degree, and Brother Kaid Collins completes his Fellowcraft Proficiency. More deets through the link.
Patrick Person Becomes A Fellowcraft Mason; Zack Andrew Passes EA Proficiency
Kenton starts off its series of Fellowcraft Degrees with Brother Patrick Person's degree, with Brother Zack earning his stripes as an Entered Apprentice. More through the link.
Masonic Double Feature: BEA Matt Thomas Proves-Up and is Passed to the Fellowcraft Degree
Kenton closes out the month of February with its busy schedule of masonic work and fellowship! Read more through the link.
Kenton Confers Fellowcraft Degree on Nedu Nweze; hosts Landmark no. 103
The Kenton brothers perform another degree, and play host to brothers from the Midwest. Read more about it through the link.
Kenton Starts Off 2019 Degrees with Kaid Collins Fellowcraft Degree
The first degree conferral of the year is in the books! Read more about it through the link.
Kenton Passes Valan Primus to Fellowcraft in a Rare Tuesday Night Degree Conferral
Fresh from the annual officers retreat at Seaside this past weekend, the officers of the lodge decide to pass Brother Primus to the Fellowcraft Degree. Read more through the link.