Your search for Joe Andres returned 4 results.
Kenton Holds Eventful Stated Meeting, Hosts Basic School of Instruction
The Kenton Brothers had another busy second week this month. Read more through the link.
Larry Linstrom: Kenton’s Newest Fellowcraft
Kenton performs its first Fellowcraft Degree of the year by passing Brother Larry Linstrom.
Magic Joe Andres Becomes a Fellowcraft
It has been a long time coming, but there was no doubt that Brother Joseph "Magic Joe" Andres would become a Fellowcraft Mason. That became a reality last Thursday when the lodge conferred the Fellowcraft Degree upon brother Andres as it continued its degree schedule for the fall season of the year. The degree was made special by a special visitation of Brother ...
Congratulations Brother Ironblood, you’re now a Fellowcraft
Kenton's first Fellowcraft Degree of the Summer season goes off smoothly despite having a skeleton crew.