April Stated Meeting is Coming Up

April Stated Meeting

Brethren and friends,

Here’s a quick notice on our upcoming stated meeting tomorrow, April 10th 2014. Dinner is at 6:30 PM, with lodge opening at 7:30 PM.

I’ve been informed by our esteemed Junior Warden that we’ll be having another great dinner featuring bacon-wrapped chicken, among other things. I’m sure it’s going to be delicious.

As far as the meeting is concerned, we’ll be balloting on one–or potentially two–petitions and schedule an EA Degree for the month of April.

I expect a quick and efficient stated meeting as the bulk of what we need to deal with has already been handled by the special trustees.

Of course, it won’t be a Kenton stated meeting without libations and fellowship immediately following the business meeting.



WB Dale Palileo, PM
Worshipful Master for 2014

Temple Location