Kenton’s Master and Wardens attend Wardens’ College

Installations Group Class

Every year, the Grand Lodge hosts a Wardens’ College which aims to educate and help incoming Wardens and Masters for the ensuing year. Usually held during the latter part of October, the college offers classes, tools and resources to help attendees lead and run their respective lodges more effectively and successfully.

Last weekend, your lodge’s Master and Wardens had the opportunity to attend this year’s college and learn more about how we can improve our lodge as we plan next year’s leadership and direction.

Several classes were available to all attending members. Of particular interest to our leadership were the following:

  • Master-Secretary Interface
  • Membership
  • Conflict Resolution
  • Esoterica
  • Effective Lodge Management
  • Lodge Budget
  • Installations
  • Masonic Funerals

Other classes that were offered focused on Masonic aid, calendar planning, communication, digital tools, and the Masonic Code.

Kenton Wardens


Breakout Session - Funerals
A breakout session on Masonic Funerals Presented by RWB Bill Taylor


Breakout session - Digital
A breakout session on websites and digital media presented by WB Robert Bigelow


Downtime - Senior Wardens
Todd Dow and Michael Benson (Senior Wardens of Kenton 145 and Friendship 160 respectively) enjoy a bit of downtime in between classes.


WB Dale Palileo and BSW Todd Dow


Presenters congratulating attendees
Presenters congratulating attendees

Temple Location