Strike while the iron is hot, as they say. Kenton Lodge did just that by extending its number of Entered Apprentice Degree conferrals to three for the year, initiating Mr. Eric Pease in the process. Mr. Pease, who is now called BEA Pease in Masonic circles, first learned about Freemasonry early last year. He then became the lodge’s de facto chef for its stated meeting dinners and eventually decided to petition the lodge. He was accepted in November 2016 along with Brother Rostam Mehrafarin who was just initiated the week before.
Brother Eric Pease’s initiation marks the end of this month’s–and this quarter’s–Entered Apprentice Degrees. The lodge will now shift to conferring a Master Mason degree for Brother Magic Joe Andres and a Fellowcraft Degree for Brother Larry Linstrom in March.
Aside from the usual faces at Kenton, the lodge was also happy to have the following brothers in the columns:
- MWB Monty Glover, Past Grand Master of Masons in Hawaii
- Brother Brian Hellman, Senior Warden of Tuality Lodge no. 6
- Brother Adam Thorvaldson, Junior Warden of Tuality Lodge no. 6
- Brother Jordan Taylor, Junior Warden of Acacia Lodge no. 6, PHA
Though not as important as Brother Pease’s initiation, the lodge also saw Brother Doug Auld, Senior Deacon for this year, perform conferral duties in the East for the first time. A few other brothers also sat in new seats during the conferral:
- Hunter Bronson as Senior Deacon
- Blake Presswood as Junior Deacon
- Ian Cawley as Senior Steward
- Ryan Whittenburg as Junior Steward
- WB Jim Hofbauer as Chaplain
Brother Auld’s and Brother Bronson’s excellent performance bringsĀ themĀ one step closer to qualifying for the Junior Warden and Senior Deacon offices for 2018 respectively.