Following the initiation of Brother Manase Salema last week, the brothers of Kenton saw it fit to confer the Fellowcraft Degree upon Brother Dan Zedaker last night in a ceremony that was led by honored Brother Joey Piazza, current Senior Warden of the Lodge.
The degree had a late start due to a small action item that required the attention of the Executive Committee in attendance, but that didn’t detract from Brother Zedaker’s overall experience.
Of course, this being the degree where the study and appreciation of music is encouraged and nurtured in addition to other arts and sciences, Brother Ivan Mancinelli-Franconi’s expertise with the harp was a fabulous addition to the evening’s ceremonies.
Honored Brother Senior Deacon Ian Cawley gave the staircase lecture while honored Brother Joey Piazza continued in the east with the G lecture. Rounding out the evening was Worshipful Brother Dale Palileo giving both the charge for the degree and the closing charge.
The brothers were then treated to a delicious dinner consisting of pulled pork and desserts prepared by honored Brother Ironblood Elam with assistance from the lodge’s potential petitioners and Entered Apprentices.