Kenton Passes John Giler to Fellowcraft

FC Degree - John Giler - Official Pose

Kenton welcomed another Fellowcraft into the fold last Thursday as it conferred the Fellowcraft Degree upon Brother John Giler. Brother Giler, who gave his proficiency immediately after Brother Entered Apprentice Carl Lucas’ initiation last June 30th, is slated to visit a few European countries sometime in August to reconnect with friends and family. The lodge saw it fitting to pass him to the degree of Fellowcraft so that he may possibly enjoy its benefits wherever he may roam and whatever any jurisdiction deems appropriate.

His degree was witnessed by visiting brothers from Washington and California, and was conferred by honored Brother Senior Deacon Ian Cawley with honored Brother Senior Warden Joey Piazza taking Senior Deacon duties. Brother Cawley’s conferral of this degree makes him eligible to sit as Senior Warden at Kenton next year.

Brother Giler’s degree was not the only event for the weekend. A golf team consisting of Worshipful Brothers Emanuel Rose, Dale Palileo, Sami Aldrete and Brother Entered Apprentice Carl Lucas participated in this year’s OMCF Golf Tournament last Friday, followed by a lodge cleanup last Saturday spearheaded by honored Brother Junior Steward Ironblood Elam.


FC Degree - John Giler - Official Pose

FC Degree - John Giler - Kenton Pose

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