Sharpening the edge: Kenton ends October with coaching, proficiency exam and a Basic School of Instruction

zack andrew ian cawley

Last night, the brothers at Kenton hosted a Basic School of Instruction in preparation for the ensuing Masonic year and to provide a refresher on some of the uncommon parts of the ritual. The school was also conducted to fulfill the proficiency card requirements of several brethren, most notably WB Joseph Piazza, who needed to attend a basic school of instruction in order to be certified for his advanced proficiency card. Brother Manase Salema also successfully passed his basic proficiency card examination.

The school was led by MWB Richard Martin and WB Dale Palileo, with WB Joseph Piazza assisting in preparation for his certification as an instructor.

In addition to the Basic School of Instruction, the lodge also held its usual Monday Night Coaching and Mentoring Session last Monday, October 28th which saw BFC Zack Andrew pass his Fellowcraft proficiency examination and several Entered Apprentice Masons studying their respective proficiency work.

The lodge now looks forward to a very busy holiday season starting with election of officers and the reception of RWB Moises Gomez, Grand Historian of the Grand Lodge of New Jersey during the usual November stated meeting.

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