Deuxième Année’s First Stated Meeting Now in the Books

2020 pillars - unofficial

The evening started slowly, with just a few brothers in attendance before the start of dinner. The dinner bell was rung and honored Brother Ryan Whittenburg welcomed those in attendance to the lodge’s first stated meeting of the year. After a brief introduction of the evening’s cuisine by honored Brother Manase Salema, Worshipful Brother Jim Emery was then called to lead the brethren and guests in prayer thanking the Great Architect of the Universe for the evening’s sustenance, a call for guidance for the business ahead, and a call to protect those in uniform serving our country.

A delicious Tanzanian inspired dinner consisting of fresh salad and Pilau–a rice dish with goat meat and fragrant spices–was then presented to everyone in a sit-down dinner facilitated by the entered apprentices and fellowcraft brothers. Slowly but surely, the lodge’s regular attendees started pouring in, and before dinner was over, the dining hall was abuzz with the usual chatter and laughter that a typical Kenton-style stated meeting dinner is known for.

After dinner, WB Ian Cawley then promptly dropped his gavel at 7:30 PM signaling the start of the evening’s real business: the January stated meeting where many of the year’s plans and goals will be discussed and formalized.

The lodge recognized several reports of sickness and distressed brothers not just from within the jurisdiction but as far away as Arkansas.

Old business from the previous year were discussed and put finalized, and new business was addressed, the most important of which was the formation of committees for this year. These were:

  • Audit
  • Building Service
  • Charity
  • Education
  • Fellowship
  • Finance
  • Fundraising
  • Grievances
  • Outreach
  • Past Masters’ Council
  • Visitation
  • Volunteering

While a few of these committees were required per code, some were carry-over committees from past years. Of course, a few committees such as the volunteering and outreach committees were new committees for the lodge.

The pace of the evening was brisk but not fast, with WB Ian Cawley being very succinct in explaining his plans for the year and moving the agenda along like a seasoned worshipful master. While the performance of Deuxième Année’s officer corps was not without fault, the overall sentiment from the brethren in attendance was most certainly very favorable.

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