Last Thursday, Brother Fellowcraft Matt Thomas became Brother Matt Thomas in a befitting ceremony that made him Kenton’s latest Master Mason for the year.
Interestingly, his long awaited raising to the Sublime Degree of Master Mason came with a few special requests: He wanted the active participation of WB Joseph Piazza, Past Master of the lodge who served as Worshipful Master in 2019, and RWB Dale Palileo, Grand Chaplain and Past Master of the lodge, serving as its Worshipful Master in 2014.
This special request saw WBs Piazza and Palileo serving as Worshipful Master and Senior Deacon respectively during the first section of the ceremony, quite a special treat for the brothers in attendance as having a Past Master confer any degree–much less two Past Masters assuming major roles–is a very rare occasion at Kenton.
The evening was also made special by the attendance of Brother Matthew Harrah of Cornerstone Lodge no. 157. Also in attendance were WBs Ian Cawley (PM 2020) and Andrew Gross (PM 2017).