Kenton Lodge and Portland Lodge both meet on Thursday evenings. A simple enough statement, but one that has profound implications for a fraternity such as ours. It is rare for these brethren to be able to sit in lodge together, let alone come together to perform a degree.
As courtesy work is a rare occasion, the Brethren of Kenton were honored to be entrusted with such an important undertaking. They remain grateful to their counterparts at Portland Lodge for their trust and confidence that the Degree would go off without a hitch. And, of course, they are also proud that our Lodges both hail from the best district in this Grand Jurisdiction.
And so, with only a few days remaining in the calendar year, it was our great pleasure to confer the Master Mason Degree upon:
- Brother Cameron Esprit of Portland Lodge No. 55
Brother Esprit was accompanied by a cadre of members from his Lodge including their Worshipful Master Bobby Maybee, their Junior Warden WB Larry Burbidge, and their Secretary RWB Adam Bayer.
Also present were visiting Brothers from Multnomah Lodge No. 1, Washington Lodge No. 4, and a large contingent from Mount Hood Lodge No. 32 led by their Worshipful Master William Lippl.
The Degree saw RWB Bayer assuming the Oriental chair for the conferral and WB Dale Palileo leading the second section with WB Maybee raising Brother Esprit. RWB Bayer and WB Maybee gave the Charge and Grand Lodge Charge respectively. Finally, the Traveling Charge was given by WB Jim Emery.
Before the Lodge was closed, WB Joseph Piazza completed an important bit of unfinished business. He presented Kenton’s outgoing Secretary, WB Palileo, with a golden crossed quills lapel pin. The pin is earned after a Secretary completes five years of service, and was presented to WB Palileo as he departs the Secretary’s desk after eight years.
With the Lodge closed, the Brethren went upstairs to enjoy refreshments and celebrate the events of the evening.
There were, of course, the traditional rounds of congratulations to the youngest Master Mason; after which, WB Presswood presented WB Lippl, and the Brothers of Mount Hood Lodge No. 32, with a Kenton gavel in gratitude for their attendance in such numbers.

Photos courtesy of Worshipful Brothers Dale Palileo and Ryan Whittenburg.