Having ‘gone dark’ through the brightest days of summer, Kenton Lodge’s September Stated Meeting served as a luminous call, guiding the Brothers back from their summer sojourns, rekindling the Masonic Light ever present for them.
A catered meal was provided thanks to the coordination of Honored Brother Aaron Clark and lively conversations filled the dining hall with a buzz as Brothers, and guests alike, shared about their summer exploits. Once appetites were thoroughly sated, the Brethren left their esteemed guests in the cozy ambiance of the Library and made their way to the Lodge room to attend to the business at hand.
The Stated commenced with due pomp, celebrating several diligent Brothers who had achieved milestones in their Masonic education over the Summer months. It was a proud moment as multiple basic and intermediate proficiency cards were presented by Worshipful Brother Grand Lecturer Dale Palileo; these cards not only signify an understanding of Masonic ritual and ethos but also a Brother’s dedication to the Craft. In recognition of their unwavering dedication, Brothers at Kenton Lodge who secure a proficiency card are also presented with a cherished Kenton-Wings lapel pin.
- WB Jim Emery and HB Derek Shaw received Basic Proficiency Cards and Bronze Kenton Wings.
- HB Zack Keirsey received an Intermediate Proficiency Card and Silver Kenton Wings; Brother Keirsey’s Bronze wings will be passed down to the next Kenton Brother who earns his Basic Proficiency.
The Lodge warmly received two petitions for affiliation from WB Sean Carver and HB Jeremy Loggins. With harmony, the Brethren unanimously voted to accept these petitions, marking the next chapter in both the petitioners’ Masonic journey and the Lodge’s ongoing story. Pending the reports of their respective investigation committees, the Lodge now eagerly anticipates balloting on these Brothers, confident that their inclusion will bring fresh perspectives and invigorate our collective Masonic journey.
As is customary, the evening was filled with the essential reports detailing Lodge proceedings and financial updates. After a hiatus, it’s crucial for the Brethren to be updated on the status, achievements, and ongoing endeavors of the Lodge. During the Secretary’s report, WB Cawley announced that dues notices for 2024 have been dispatched to all annual-dues-paying Members; additionally, urgent reminders were sent to those Members who still have arrears from 2023.
WB Presswood gave a report about the Annual Officers Retreat that took place in July on Puget Sound. At the heart of the retreat is the cherished opportunity for the Lodge’s officers to bond deeply, casting aside their formal roles and truly connecting as Brothers. Nestled away from the daily grind, they find a sanctuary where titles fade and the emphasis shifts to the pure camaraderie of Brotherly Love. While there is, of course, a designated moment for contemplation of the year gone by and strategizing for the one ahead, the essence of the retreat is more profound. It is about delving into shared experiences, deep conversations, and moments that spark true connection, ensuring that when they return to their duties, it is with an even stronger, unified spirit.
Adding to the list of notable moments for the evening, WB Rob Hale 32° from the Portland Valley of the Scottish Rite [learn more], extended a gracious invitation for the Master Masons of Kenton Lodge to join in their upcoming Fall Reunion on October 13th & 14th. Many of the Brethren are eagerly looking forward to participating in this significant event.
Looking to the calendar, an exciting announcement punctuated the evening: Right Worshipful Brother Adam Bayer is scheduled to make an Official Visit during the Lodge’s November Stated Meeting. Such visits not only offer a chance for review and feedback but also foster a sense of unity within the broader Masonic community. The Lodge is all set to make preparations to welcome and host our esteemed Brother. The Lodge appreciates the early notice of the District Deputy’s plan to visit in November, in part because it gives us the time to plan an evening in true Kenton style, but also because we know that the ‘early bird gets the worm.’
As the Masonic year advances, the Lodge’s focus now shifts to planning for the election and installation season. Discussions have been underway for many months, and now the Lodge’s Officer Corp & Past Master Council are writing their final draft for the plan that will ensure a smooth transition and identify the leaders who will steer Kenton 145 in the years to come.
Following the formal proceedings of the meeting, everyone gathered upstairs to enjoy a one another’s company. The Past Masters did hold a brief session, but they soon ascended to partake in the jovial atmosphere. The remainder of the evening was marked by the familiar warm glow of cigars and the cheerful clinks of scotch glasses; by the intermingling of old tales and new stories; by the celebration of Masonic traditions and personal bonds in equal measure.