Kenton Raises Larry Linstrom to Master Mason
Hot on the heels of raising Brother Manase Salema two weeks prior, the brethren of the lodge decided to raise Brother Larry Linstrom to the Sublime Degree of Master Mason.
Hot on the heels of raising Brother Manase Salema two weeks prior, the brethren of the lodge decided to raise Brother Larry Linstrom to the Sublime Degree of Master Mason.
Despite the absence of the Worshipful Master and Junior Warden Kenton Lodge performed its first Fellowcraft Degree last night with Brother Larry Linstrom as its candidate. Honored Brother Sami Aldrete assumed
Just one week after successfully receiving MWB Art Borland during his official visitation to Kenton, the lodge performed one of its last events of the year by initiating Mr. Ed Menashe as
With brethren assuming their “class B” attire due to the warm weather, the lodge made Brother Larry Linstrom a part of the Masonic brotherhood by initiating him as an Entered