Doug Auld: This Year’s Newest Fellowcraft
Posted on January 30, 2016
Last Thursday, January 28th, Brother Doug Auld was passed to the degree of Fellowcraft and became the lodge’s first conferral for the year. The brothers extend their congratulations as he advances one step closer to becoming a full member of the lodge.
The evening was highlighted by Brother Nick Mattos service as Chaplain, Brother Sami Aldrete performing the staircase lecture, and Brother Joey Piazza delivering the G Lecture.
The evening was also marked by the following visitors:
- WB George Starbuck – WM of Multnomah Lodge No. 1
- Brother Michael Churchill – Multnomah Lodge No. 1
- Brother Steve Witten – Multnomah Lodge No. 1
- Brother Austin Bennington – Washington Lodge No. 46
- Brother Juan Rogel – Eastgate Lodge No. 55
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